Riparian Buffer Campaign 2023 - 2024
In July, 2023 we received our second consecutive Watershed Support Grant from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) non-point source division. Funding will be utilized to continue the riparian buffer campaign initiated in 2022, expand school outreach and watershed-based programming opportunities to students, and aid the restoration of the Nash Creek Intercounty Drain. Additional opportunities will be made available for the public to attend on-site or virtual programming. Stay tuned for more information!
Riparian Buffer Campaign 2022 - 2023In 2022 we received our first Watershed Support Grant from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) non-point source division. With this funding we were able to engage the community in a riparian buffer campaign in the watershed that expanded education & outreach efforts, including the purchase of a new no-till drill available for use to area producers (with support from the Kent Conservation District and other partners). We were also able to award several mini grants to landowners in the watershed for the installation of riparian buffers along the Rogue River and its tributaries.
Rum Creek Dam Removal
On July 26, 2016, the Rogue River Watershed Partners, partnered with Trout Unlimited, hosted a party to celebrate and enact the removal of the Rum Creek dam to allow trout free access to the waterway. The project was a huge success, and included restoration of the riverbank, design of control structures, and monitoring of the site both before and after the project's completion!